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endodontic referral form park street den[...]
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Do you dread endodontic treatment?
Why not reffer the difficult cases?
Dr Diana Dumitriu has a Master in Endodontics obtained from the University of Warwick in October 2013.
She is taking endodontic refferals.
Park Street Dental practice is conveniently located in Weymouth town center close to the promenade and the train station.
There is ample parking space in front of the practice.
The access is easy from Dorchester, Bridport and the surrounding area of south west Dorset.
For any additional information you can email at: or call the practice.
If you would like more information on how to spot difficult cases follow the link bellow:
Please note the case difficulty assesment form at the end of the document.
Cases portofolio .
Nice case I have completed a while ago: Young female patient in her 20s was worried about losing UL5 due to repeated abscesses. The tooth was previously root filled and crowned. The prognosis wasn't great as the previously root filling was overextended. I have retreated the tooth keeping the existing crown in place. Upon accessing the tooth I found previously missed bucal canal. Using H files heated with the hot plugger , I managed to remove the gutta-percha point in the palatal canal. I have performed my usual shaping and disinfection routine: protaper F4 to working length , NaoCl 4% irrigation 2-3 mm short of working length, followed by warm vertical Gutta-percha condensation with AH Plus sealer.
Review LL7 root canal treatment done a while ago - 2017.
Retreatment review: healing of large apical area in only 6 months. There were 2 canals distal.
Interadicular perforation on LR6 and calcified canals: This patient had pulpitis on LR6 while on holiday and saw an emergency dentist who opened the tooth. The she saw her regular dentist who attempted root canal treatment but decided to refer her to me. There was an interadicular perforation which I filled with BC putty (Totalfill) - very easy to use and reliable material. I have managed to locate the canals and finished the root canal treatment.
Upper 6 - I like to call it the most difficult tooth. So often locating, negotiating , shaping and cleaning MB2 takes longer than all the rest of the canals together. Almost 90% of first upper molars have an MB2. Sometimes upon opening the pulp chamber , not much is visible , like in the first 2 pictures bellow. It takes patience and good ultrasonic tips to remove the calcified pulp stones and locate the canal orifices.
Root canal retreatment LL5 with 2 canals ,
defective root filling in buccal canal ( monocone ),
missed lingual canal.
Retreatment of UR7 previously filled with
silver points
Removing silver points varies in
difficulty from being easy (as bellow)
to increasingly difficult and sometimes impossible.
We are proud to announce that our dentist Diana Dumitriu has had part of her research published in the most prestigious scientific publication in endodontics Journal of Endodontics. Please follow the link below for more information
Impact of the multiple citations and references in most prestigious international in scientific publication.
Effects of Temperature and Hypochlorite Concentration on the Rate of Collagen Dissolution
January 2015 Journal of Endodontics by Dr Diana Dumitriu Msc Endodontics
3MB canals review 2013 - 2019
3 mesio-bucal canals on UL6 revisited !!!!
You are watching a
video from 2013 which I have shared previously.
The reason I am sharing it again is because I have seen the patient
again and I have a follow up radiograph which shows very nice healing
UL5 necrotic-primary root canal treatment.
UL6 (silver points previous root filling and apical pathology)
root canal canal retreatment- 3 mesio-bucal canals located.