Our contact details
You can contact us by phone or e-mail during opening hours and book an appointment:
Park Street Dental Practice Weymouth Dorset UK
30 Park Street
Dorset DT4 7DQ UK
Tel: 01305 783961
E-mail: info@dentist-weymouth.co.uk
Please read the privacy policy bellow:
Privacy policy
Park Street Dental Practice 25/05/2018
Thank you for choosing to use our services.
This privacy policy refers to the personal data you shared with the practice. Park Street Dental practice has policies in place to protect your personal data.
Upon registering at the practice, you will be asked to provide you name and surname, date of birth, address, telephone number both landline and mobile, email address, occupation, medical history
details and name and address of your GP. You can choose not to disclose information but in some circumstances the lack of certain details may hinder the quality of services we provide to you up to
the point of making it unsafe for you in which case you maybe denied access to the services provided.
The practice does not store the bank card details or bank account details. If you are member of DPAS care or maintenance plan, you will be provided with DPAS privacy policy regarding the data stored
and used by DPAS.
Park Street Dental Practice has medical legal reason to store your data. The data will be stored for a minimum of 11years after your last appointment. The data stored is your personal data and
details of all your appointments you had which forms the clinical data. Additionally, we store details about amounts paid for your treatment and dates and time for all your appointments (including
cancelled and rescheduled), telephone conversations, SMS and letters sent or received. Also, radiographs and clinical pictures are stored when applicable.
The data is stored on paper and as digital record in safe database administered by a third party holding a data protection contract with Park Street Dental Practice.
The data is shared with third parties such as dental laboratories, software providers and plan administrators (DPAS) all of which have a data protection agreement with Park Street Dental Practice and
are GDPR compliant.
Your data is not subject to automated profiling and is not used for marketing purposes unless special consent was obtained.
We are processing your data only in order to remind you of future appointments, due examinations and bad debts. You can ask us not to remind you if you wish to do so.
Your rights regarding your data are:
To ask us to delete your data. It applies only if you have registered but have never been see by the dentist. If you had at least a consultation, then by law we are obliged to store your data
To ask us to stop processing your data. As detailed above, we will stop reminding you, and stop any communication with you
Wright to access your data. You can ask to have a copy of your record and you will be provided with it in maximum 30 days subject to administrative fees
You have portability right, meaning you can ask us to transfer your data to a different dentist. This is subject to administrative fees and digital systems compatibility.
Any request regarding your legal rights or if you would like a copy of this policy, please speak to a member of the staff.
Contact form.